GHMT PVP - we go for transparent quality!
Due to our long competence in development and produktion of data network technic products we made a name for ourself in industry. Meanwhile we can count us to the leading premium manufacturers.
Therefore we now want to supervise our product's quality additionally by an international approved testing institute.
GHMT with their PVP – Premium Verification Program and their wide technical competences and possibilities seemed to be the absolute right institute.
GHMT is an independent test laboratory accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 with over 20 years of market experience that has developed the GHMT PVP, a highly effective and comprehensive quality assessment program for network components.

This GHMT PVP results in sustainable advantages for our customers
All of these processes and quality assurance measures result in the highest level of security and reliability for the user's passive network infrastructure and thus high availability. Failures cost resources and money and, in the worst case, the company is unable to act for a long time. This is why the quality of our components and systems is so important to us.